Launch Leadership
Launch Leadership’s mission is to empower young leaders to transform their communities and change our world. Every summer, Launch hosts Leadership Workshops, bringing over 700 middle and high school students together for 5 days of intense (but fun!) leadership training.
Social media Content + Strategy
As Launch Leadership’s Communications Director, I reimagined the way the organization utilized Facebook, Instagram, Youtube, and Snapchat. Under my direction, Launch’s social media presence changed from an afterthought to a strategic communication tool that helped us connect with past and potential program attendees, parents, educators, donors and volunteers.
In my role, I oversaw every aspect of our social media presence. I managed and worked closely with four content creators, leading them in creative brainstorming sessions and approving and executing long and short-term content calendars with them. I met regularly with other directors and staff to create and promote organization-wide initiatives through our social channels. As a graphic designer, I often jumped in to create custom graphics for specific marketing campaigns and announcements.
I provided the online voice of Launch through constant social media monitoring and community management, and I administered guidance to our social media and executive teams to elevate Launch’s online presence in their own ways. During my time as Communications Director, social media followers increased by 64%, and overall social media traffic increased by 190%.
Printed Materials
Launch is constantly trying to expand its reach and recruit new students. Partnering with a large, local pizza chain, I created flyers to attach to thousands of pizza boxes that were delivered over a few winter weekends. Using messaging that played with “pizza delivery,” we were able to get the Launch name in front of thousands of people who had never seen it, and we tracked engagement through a custom vanity URL. This fun effort contributed to one of the largest registration jumps in Launch Workshops.
I love finding ways to communicate information visually to others. At the end of a Workshop week, there was so much I wanted to tell others to help them understand what occurred and how students grew through the week. I noticed that parents usually arrived early to pick up their children at the end of Workshop. They would wait around the campus until the closing program, sometimes talking to Launch volunteers about the organization and what their children did all week. I realized that we could replicate those learning and connection opportunities by giving informational materials to parents that they could read while they waited or once they returned home. This would allow volunteers to still make connections with them, but also took the burden of covering everything off of their shoulders, and it ensured that the information parents received was consistent. Now, parents receive an informational packet the moment they arrive. This includes reading materials on the activities and skill tracks the students worked through each day, how to get involved as a volunteer or donor, year-round programming dates, inspirational imagery and talking points to help their students further reflect on the experience.
A big announcement
2019 was slated to be the last summer that Launch would host its Workshops at its campus home for the past 30 years. With so many traditions and rituals in place, breaking the news of Launch’s big move to Doane University to students, parents and volunteers was a challenge. I led the team of a videographer, script writer and the marketing team at Doane to craft a video to play on the last day of each Workshop, and to later share online. The results were incredible. What could have been hard news to take in, instead was an exciting, inspirational, and optimistic look forward at what was in store for the organization.
Photo + Video Creative Direction
The Launch volunteer staff includes a robust, talented and passionate team of photographers and videographers. As Launch's Communication Director, I worked closely with our top talent in creating training programs to teach photo/video skills to even more staff members. The fruits of those labors are seen in Launch’s massive photo gallery and in the end-of-the-week, reflective videos made for each Workshop. I provided creative direction, storyboarding, shots lists, script guidance, and direction on maintaining the general look, feel and voice of Launch through all of these, and I often jumped in to help with editing, as well.
Students love to promote Launch through what they wear, so I've worked on fun options that help keep the Launch name top-of-mind. Some of the items I have created were given to students upon arrival at Launch's Summer Leadership Workshop — like the yearly themed t-shirt, “merit” buttons and name tags. Others were available for purchase throughout the year, at Workshop, or while promoting good causes.